This site is owned and operated by Yoav Binyamini. window.MagicZoom } The smaller body at 12.625" wide and the large is standard at 12.750". Brandon Frederickson. var canonical = ($("link[rel='canonical']").attr("href") ?? } $0.84, $0.99 Sellers looking to grow their business and reach more interested buyers can use Etsys advertising platform to promote their items. 'International ' : ''}Standard
timeout_killswitch === true ? If you want to print in a printer that cannot fit the whole guitar on one sheet, the first thing to do is export you plan to a high-quality PDF file. font-size: 20px; $('#trust-modal-bg').click(function(e) { }, /* Dont see this option? 60's Strat Template. }); check() && code(); let checkAndRun = () => (keepChecking ? The same principals apply to routing the headstock and the neck itself. }, 10);
Cut-out the templates 4. Free with trial. color: #ff0000; font-weight: 600; return; 1-year of free shipping + more for ${stewmax_price} */ $.ajax({ } top: 0; #stewmax-learn-more p { .cart-slideout .item .dsc { document.head.insertAdjacentHTML(position, styleElement); Work out the kinks on paper then, the same on your template. Now the way that these bearing bits work is that they run flush against our template and trim this peg head flush to the template. }); let data_srcset = img.getAttribute('data-srcset'); flex-direction: column; } var m = document.querySelector('label[for="stewmax-checkbox"]').textContent.match(/\$[0-9. height: 42px;
Shot Link. var $self = $(this);
`; $('#trust-modal-bg') || e.preventDefault(); let prev_active = document.querySelector('.active-variant-border'); } } catch (e) {}; $("body").append(trustModal); (70% off), Sale Price $22.40 var dv = el.getAttribute('data-variation-code'); gap: 5px; $(this).find('.tmx-variant-image img').attr('src') || $("body").append(trustModal); border: solid 1px #ccc; if ( } var to_price = (p.replace('$', '') * cE).toFixed(2); if (isTesting) console.log(event); You can mark the direction of each section you want to rout on your template. Take your selected slab of wood after it has been planed and glued to the right size, mark the center line and align the template to it. FreshworksWidget('hide', 'launcher'); } /*console.log(avail);*/ if (giftForm != undefined && giftForm.length > 0) { }); }; eLabel: event.eLabel || "", dataLayer = dataLayer || []; try { } } addStyling(); $69.00 50's Strat Template with Suhr style headstock. $(".tmx-cart h1:contains(Cart)").parent()[0] If your edge is very smooth but not exactly straight, you can easily copy it to another piece of MDF just as you would to your guitar body itself. var virtual_dom = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument('virtual'); Acrylic sheets are probably the best. $('[href="#trust-modal"]').click(function() { The saw can wander off and you can end up with something pretty funky. var checkmark_svg = `