:) Good luck hun :). Ive been sick for 3 days not throwing up but like my tummy hurts and i just got new jeans that were one size to big and now there like really tight idk if im prego cuz i took 3 test and they all said im not to HELP!!! Anyways, I was taking "No to morning sickness tea". I don't have insurance at the moment but my Fianc is adding me to his.. Current thinking is that morning sickness is the bodys reaction to the hCG hormone, which is at its highest levels in the first trimester. and my boobs look a lot more full, even my sister has noticed that they look bigger. Cycle 34 days according to my chart. The other day I was having cramps they hurt so bad I've never had them hurt so bad. After the release of the egg during ovulation, BBT increases by about half a degree in almost all women. October 12, 2017. I'm 19, my period due on the 30th of this month. i just got off my depo shot a 3 or 4 months now, but i feel like my pregnant cuz im tired i have diarrhea and when i drink i feel sick. I normally have regular periods but i was told by my doctor my tubes were blocked.Does anyone else have this issue or had a similar issue to this? It burns really bad but that's cause it's alcohol and I don't know if I should be doing that either. It hurts to push on it. Could I possibly be pregnant? However, it can happen at any time of day. I'm just scared to tell me parents nd I just need help please help me! If youre in a place where you could put you or yourself in danger, such as driving, be sure to pull over right away. As your uterus takes up more room in your pelvis, it's pushing your intestines upward. My first pregnancy I didn't even test till i was 2 weeks late and it was a positive. I am going to call my doctor at the end of the week.. By then I should be on my fiance's insurance.. Have an amazing day.. :) Thanks for all the help :), Well I've never posted on one of these before. I feel like I want to throw up but I don't, especially when I'm near my boyfriend or when we speak on the phone, I've gain some weight. Rest when you can. It's a fun watch, and you never knowsome of those old wives may be smarter than you thought! Fatigue is common throughout pregnancy and might be one of the earliest symptoms you experience after conception. i have been very worriedim 14 and i was with my bf one day we started snoging and stuff than he undressed hisself and I didn't want to so I was still wearing jeans a tshirt and nickers so we were basiclly messing around when my bf went home i noticed sperm on my jeans then i took them off and there was a little bit of sperm on my nickers but nowhere near my vagina.. and now 1 week later i notice that I feel kind of sick when I eat I have tummy aches and headaches.. so can anyone help me can sperm travel trough clothes and can I be pregnant if I had sperm nowhere near my vagina? ok sim pretty regular on my period and i am now 2 weeks late and i am urinating like crazy and my boobs are super sore but i took a home pregnancy test on the 5th day of my missed period is it still possible that i am pregnant and just tested too soon? So in the sense of feeling nauseous, yes, your stomach can hurt. hi , I had sex with my Boyf last month on th 16 . and idk if im stressin to much that i could be pregnant or if i really am. You have enough trouble as it is! and with my last cycle he went inside a few days after it had stopped. i am sixteen years old me and my boyfriend have been having unprotected sex for almost seven months he always pulls out. Cold treats like popsicles and watermelon also help. I have had sex everyday since after my period my last family planning was the 18 August I'm trying to have a baby, I'm experiencing headaches some lower tummy pains and I have experience some nausea My period is due soon should I wait a couple more days to take a test? He had a condom on. But i don't feel it all the time..sometimes it feels kinda fluttery.. IDK.. Slight spotting or vaginal bleeding. me and my boyfriend are curious! just wondered if anyone could help me.,, the first day of my last period was the 23rd of august. Could i be in the early stages of pregnancy ??? will she be pregnant,,,?? and when dining times come around what i c there is i don't like it, with out tasting it, my tummy just feels full. my eat habits have totally changed from eating a little to eating a lot.. i dnt understand y all the test are negative, could i be pregnant. Not sure if it has any signifigance. i am experiencing many of those symptoms but the thing is my boyfriend and i had protected sex only this past saturday and i've been noticing nasuea at random points in time, fatigue , tenderness, dizziness,and i have to pee A LOT! I don't want to be let down again.. Ugh. Almost every woman experiences some digestive issues during their pregnancy, though not everyone experiences it in the first few weeks. i been having pain below my belly button nd above my vagina nd i feel like im goin to throw up all day long nd i have been eating a lot more nd using the bathroom a lot more my back been hurting me nd i been sleeping a lot more..so could i be pregnant? Some women may experience only a few of these symptoms, while others may experience them all. "Pregnancy Symptoms Early Signs Of Pregnancy." my lower back hurts all the time, and im cramping but not all the time. (this goes with my other comment that's under this one) please help me . This is usually termed implantation bleeding.4 It is a symptom that is frustratingly similar to getting your period. I am 2 days late for my period, and for the last 5-6 days, i have been feeling nauseous, some things smell funny, i have bad indigestion, and a tender abdomen. I really need some one to answer these question for me: Can you start to have pregnancy signs after 2 weeks of sex? Frequent urination and tender breasts. Sometimes it's just nice to put it all out there with women who are in the same boat. Thank you. 2 days after my period's end. American Pregnancy Association. Sore breasts. You can also take acetaminophen (Tylenol or generic) to help with the pain. I had used a FIRST RESPONSE with all 3 test. Some might have a bit of spotting and other pregnancy symptoms (fatigue, breast tenderness, heightened sense of smell.). My last period ended Aug 4th.. the day before I met my bf.. We were constantly using protection. For this time around though I took a test on the 6th and 8th and 10th and I got a negative. Should I take a test?? Everyone will just annoy me! Could I be pregnant? later, im laughing nd having fun. Faintness and dizziness. If you sit at a desk job, place a rolled-up towel or cushion behind your back for support; rest your feet on a stack of books or stool and sit up straight, with your shoulders back. The rise in temperature is so small that you wont be able to notice it without using a basal body temperature thermometer. If pregnant or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an individual basis. or am i jus trippin ! Okay, so I need someone to help me out. Garden-variety digestive problems seem to be part and parcel of pregnancy, especially during the first and third trimester. I HAVE PCOS AND IRREGULAR PERIODS.. MY LAST CYCE WAS 1AUG11 AND I HAVE BEEN FELLING TIRED, LOWER BACK IS HURTING, NAUSEA ON EMPTY STOMACH, BREATS TENDER TO THE TOUCH AND CLOTHES GETTING TIGHT..I AM NERVOUS TO TAKE A TEST CAUSE I DON'T WANT TO BE DISAPPOINTED.. IS THEIR ANYONE WITH PCOS THAT HAD SYMPTOMS AND NOT BE PREGGO? Drugs, supplements, and natural remedies may have dangerous side effects. Natasha Pelati from South Africa on August 07, 2014: ok so back in July-Aug my period was off i didn't start when i was supposed to only spotted bout 1-2 days, spent over $100 on test the month of Aug all Neg till i went to walmart and got first response all 3 had came back BFP, took one Wednesday morning, Thursday Morning & Friday morning. i eat one bowl of kd and a fruit cup and i feel full. Breast tenderness can start as early as one or two weeks after conception. @BKLYN21 Thank you so much.. Notice your posture as well, and make sure that you avoid standing for long periods of time. I have a really bad headache and I have to pee again.. TTYL Good Luck all of you.. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. Hot or cold compresses could also help, as well as other stress-reduction techniques like acupuncture, massage, or hypnosis. Holland, Kimberly and Rachel Nall. Every woman will experience breast tenderness though the degree and timeline might differ. please email me because i really need advice yourassistantrae@gmail.com. I am going to try to hold off until I am at least a week late to test. Here's the story.. Some women may notice symptoms as early as 5 DPO, although they won't know for certain that they are pregnant until much later. It may be difficult to differentiate between stomach muscles that are just feeling tight, or small contractions of the uterus known as Braxton Hicks. Good luck and I am hoping for a positive for you!!! If you're feeling extreme pain in your abdomen, you should see a doctor right away. So if you have a period that is early and much lighter than normal (sometimes implantation bleeding is described as just a few drops of blood), you could still be pregnant. I have looked it up and many say you can get pregnant from pre-cum and others say you can. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Nausea usually happens between two and eight weeks after conception, Cramping these can feel similar to pre-menstrual cramps and can be a sign of implantation, Bloating and abdominal discomfort similar to PMS symptoms. That's an amazing feat of strength on your body's part. could i test now ? And my period is due today 10/13/11 . Chances are youll experience some changes in this area, though they vary significantly from woman to woman. I am afraid to go to the doctor because I would feel silly if he told me I am not because I have thought I was pregnant before and had a negative blood test. You may just be pregnant. I am not due to start my period for about another 4 days. Every time we have sex we ALWAYS go to the bathroom and "wash off" as we call it. When you know what makes you hurl, you can try to avoid it. LOL It feels like a hard empty feeling.. This will maximize blood flow to the heart and will keep you from fainting. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. I have a problem and hopefully someone can help me out with this. Sorry for the long post but i just hope i can get some advice from someone or just have someone to talk to about this.. Thx. You will only notice this if you've been charting your basal body temperature in order to track ovulation (normal BBT for women is between 96 and 99 degrees; its your body temperature right when you wake up in the morning before you do anything). i haven't had any symptoms of pregnancy, but i've had this freakish thing happen, when im smoking a cigarette it started to hurt my stomach and i started throwing up.. and evetytime me and my boyfriend have sex after we are done my stomach hurts so bad, it makes me cry. Hi I'm 9days late for my period. Making time for short naps throughout the day could be beneficial. Also I'm extremely bloated. Go easy on yourself. I cant wait for my period days to come so i can actually understant if this is pms or pregnancy. 1/3 of women experience nausea. My next period is due on 21 of April. Then these past few day it was heavy. Most women will experience an increased need to go to the bathroom throughout their entire pregnancy, though (like everything) the scale of the change will depend on the woman. ive looked for another method but weve just been using condoms sometimes. Though your larger twins might look enticing to your partner, make sure you let them know that they are welcome to look, but touching should be kept to a minimum. Tender and swollen breasts. He claimed some of the blood got on his dick.. Please help. how ? Thanks. I'm 17 years old. It happens one or two days after the embryo gets to the uterus, which is typically about five to seven days after ovulation and fertilization. Pregnancy cravings can start at any time during the time one is pregnant. Tracking BBT, however, is a little difficult and is not fool-proof. Food aversions or cravings. Dont let feeling exhausted get you down. Now Today she woke up randomly sick puking, cramps, headaches, and stomach pain. This past pregnancy I didn't even know i was and tested 13 days late and Got the positive. It started as spotting then on the 30-31 was heavy then was spotting again (no panty liner was needed) and that spotting lasted a day or so and now it has been approximately 5 days since the spotting has stopped and I have been feeling nauseous, dull cramps in abdomen and lower back.. Then the last few days Ive been feel moody, have cramps, getting hot when other people are not, back hurts a little, stomach feels bloated, feet kinda hurt. You might also experience a sense of a loss of control, over whats happening with work, in your family, with your body, and in life in general. One of them is the change in hormone levels that starts soon after conception.6. Some women even experience a metallic taste. But im always tired. If you find yourself getting dizzy, you should lie down right away, on your left side if you can. am I pregnant? Nausea is often experienced in early pregnancy and is sometimes accompanied by aversions to smell or taste. My lmp was Sept 22 and its now Oct 19, my period is suppose to start in 2 days but for the past week i've been nauseous I even vomited a few times and I'm extremely tired and exhausted all the time for no apparent reasons. me and my girlfrend had a protected sex and she have not had a piriod yet what mast be the cos of that please and her piriod have to come this month from 28th or 29 bt today is 30th bt we are still facing problems what might be the problems? Over the course of your pregnancy, you could gain up to two cup sizes, with the extra bulk coming from milk, extra fatty tissue, and blood. The areola (area around the nipple) may also darken. If Dec 8th was your only slip up, then the MAP should have done what it was supposed to do. I know that everyone is different and will not have the same symptoms. I am very worried I might be pregnant. I don't keep track. Though queasiness can start around two weeks after conception (right around the time of your missed period), full-blown morning sickness and vomiting dont usually roll around until the sixth week or so of pregnancy (four weeks after conception). Can I be pregnant four days before my period because me and my boyfriend was in me webothed with out clothes and he pulledout before he cumed I put pants ack on before he ejcleted. they only do a urine test but I'm sure its more accurate than a dollar test from the dollar tree.. so I will know for certain. Go to a doctor and find out!!!! Keep a headache diary, recording everything that you eat and drink and how much sleep and exercise youre getting to see if you can identify a trigger in your diet or other health habits. I thought that i was the only one out there.. :S I am tired.. I'm 15 years old. Changes in size or shape, heaviness, tingling, or soreness are all typical sensations. i don't know what's going on but quite frankly im scared. Nevertheless, if you experience any of these symptoms, or are otherwise concerned, contact your OB-GYN immediately. We've been having unprotected sex for about two months now . like every hour, and i do not have a uti, or anything else. This includes the enlargement of the breasts, which may lead to the sensation of itchiness in some cases. it's like a non stop wiggling motion hes doing lol. If you simply cant get your mind off of something, try distracting yourself by taking a walk, doing another activity, or calling a friend. I sleep a lot. That said, some women report breast itchiness in addition to other symptoms. I also asked my Fianc if my boobs were getting bigger.. he said yes.. but idk if he was saying that.. we were fighting all day.. was it to get me to stay?? 2014, Headaches, Increased Urination, and Cramps, 2 weeks after conception (or whenever you were supposed to get your period). One is the signs of pregnancy you might experience before you miss your period. Good luck to everyone that is TTC. This is just one of those lovely pregnancy mysteries that we get to experience! Take naps if your body calls for them, and sleep for as long as you need to. but my boss made meatballs yesterday for work and as soon as i walked in i wanted to vomit i couldn't handle the smell. Usually, the symptoms taper off after the first trimester.4. The past week to two weeks I have been experiencing extremely sore breast, nipples seem to stay hard, and I can't find motivation when I get home in evening. ". When a pregnancy is in its early stages, a woman may experience what is known as abdominal twinges, which refers to a tugging sensation that originates from the interior of the stomach.These feelings can be felt in the lower abdomen of a woman, sometimes referred to as the belly area.The discomfort is caused by a number of different physiological factors, such as symptoms that include . Feb 28, 2023 at 8:08 AM. Luckily, these can be your bodys way of steering you away from the bad stuff (like coffee and alcohol) and towards nutrient-rich foods, like extreme moose tracks ice cream. I feel I'm driving me and my bf crazy!! Early Pregnancy Symptoms: 17 Signs to Look For. You'll probably want to know if you're pregnant sooner rather than later since it's important to receive appropriate prenatal care and discontinue any unhealthy habits you may have. well my last period started on 09-27 and lasted till 10-01. on the 2nd we had sex, several times and he finished. Are pregnant bellies hard or squishy? Recently we have had sex with a condom but after a while my boyfriend takes it off so he can finish but he always pulls out. I know this question was asked 3 weeks ago, but I still wanted to reach out to you. I ALSO HAVE PCOS AND WAS TOLD IN OCT 2009 THAT I COULDN'T CONCEIVE. Am I pregnant if it's feeling weird or hard? i am using the bathroom more often. If you're pregnant, your body is working hard to make another human, so you're feeling tired for many reasons! I had unprotected sex the last day of my period and my boyfriend did not cum at all in me, he pulled out wayyy before he could and there was no chance that precum couldve been at all a possibility due to the fact that he had not cum at all that day beforehand and did pee way before we did it. Though some say you can take them up for five days before your missed period, the earlier you test, the more likely you are to get a false negative. Be sure to test first thing in the morning, when your urine and the hormone that the test is measuring (hCG) are most concentrated. I have taken a few home tests 2 showed faintly positive and 2 showed negative, but at the same time I had a tubal ligation done when my youngest was born 6 years ago..could I be pregnant? Early pregnancy (first trimester) abdominal symptoms include nausea/morning sickness, cramping, constipation, heartburn, bloating, and gas. In addition, the breasts may become larger or feel swollen or heavier. One woman doesn't stop vomiting for weeks in the first trimester, and another might never even feel nauseous (lucky!). well my period is due around the 25, well for the last 2 week ive been really blotted, dissy, and ive had several bad headaces that wont go away. I WAS PREGNANT WITH TWINS AND LOST THEM AT 18 WEEKS NEITHER HAD A HEARTBEAT. Tiredness. Generally, a pregnant belly may start to feel tight and firm early on, as the uterus grows and expands to accommodate a growing baby. A week before I get my period I usually have cramps and my boobs hurt, my last period was April 1-8, I was intimate on the 8th. my 1st was super active as well but more kick movements that didn't gross me out. My names Bekah, i am 16 years old and my boyfriend and i are ttc yes, i know im young but hes 23 and ready to settle down.. i act a lot more mature for my age then most girls and i am ready for a baby.. we have had sex the past few days, hes came in me each time and ive held my legs up above my head.. i have been reading articles about how long it can take a woman to feel the symptoms.. i have been very tired lately and very moody as well as nausous and dizzy. I've done a pregnancy test the other day and it was neg has any idea when u get alot of milky white discharge but no sign of period sore boob's my last period was the 18/12/18. On Aug 15th.. One of the condoms broke.. after he finished.. Becoming overheated while doing something like taking a hot shower or using a sauna. How does your stomach feel at 4 weeks pregnant? well I went to the appt.. did the test and it came up negative again. Nausea, often referred to as "morning sickness" Does your stomach feel uncomfortable in early pregnancy? Headaches in pregnancy are usually caused by hormones or increased blood flow. How does a pregnant belly feel? This will make it easier to find your uterus. Doctors still dont know what causes morning sickness. 2. Stephanie from Canada on February 11, 2013: Ok I haven't had sex in 3 months well 2 nites ago I got drunk and after a couple of drinks my stomach has had a sharp pain like someone ia stabbing me I can't sleep everything I eat I throw up can someone tell me what's going on please I dnt wanna go to the doctor cuz ill prolly go to jail for under age drinking, is it possible for a woman to feel a week after the conception of any strange feelings?? I have been freaking out.. Thanks! Im scared its too early for a pregnancy test, but should i take one? I had my last period on june 24 and havent had one since took two tests and they came back negative whats going on could i be pregant ?? I've been throwing up for almost 2 weeks now,I get lower belly pain,my back hurts,my feet recently started swelling up from jus sitting down too long,I'm smelling things that's far away,I made a pregnancy test and it came back positive bt idk if to trust it cause I pocs and I really want to have a baby,if i'm not I'll jus give up hopeso any advice would be welcomed. ive missed my period completely and ive been having breast tenderness,back pain, increased urination, fatigue, mood swings, increased hunger, headaches and a pull/ cramping in my belly. We had to learn everything here was to know about the MAP. :). Anyway we had sex when I was on my period. isabellasmommy11 from El Paso Texas on October 11, 2011: I recently had a Blighted Ovum as well as a D&C about 4-5 months ago. my period was supposed to come on the 19th of august, on that day i had loads of pressure on my pelvic area and cramping, had a lot of pain just on the left side but the pressure pain passed and i had light cramping throughout the week but it was 9 days late, yesterday i got my period and it is very light and today im hardly bleeding at all. I almost voted this hub funny because the title is about questioning the possibility of being preggo but the top picture is of a woman so preggo she looks about to pop LOL Lots of great info, well organized, useful and interesting. These cramps may persist for weeks or months during pregnancy, as the embryo implants and the uterus stretches. Implantation is when the now-fertilized egg burrows into the uterine wall. I took a pregnancy test a week after I had sex and I know it was too early and it was negative.I took one about a week ago and it was still negative. How can I be certain I'm pregnant? I was on top of him fullled clothed when he ejoclate. Common wisdom dictates avoiding spicy and fatty foods (which do enough to cause trouble even without a baby on the way), but sometimes these are the only foods that spell relief for some women. April/May?? 80-90% of women experience some form of morning sickness, from nausea to vomiting. I would wait a couple more weeks before you test.. I am always so tired. I was 11 weeks into my pregnancy when They told me it was just a sac. If the test is negative and your period still doesnt come, try again. Idk if it's too early to find out but I've been having all the signs so I really don't understand. Schedule regular time to go to the bathroom after your mealtimes. According to AmericanPregnancy.org, about one-third of women experience implantation bleeding.5. HELPPPPPP MEEEEE ! I mean a lot! A distinguishing point from regular PMS tenderness is the darkening of the areola (as early as one or two weeks after conception, but especially around the fourth week), and you might start seeing blue veins in your breasts as well. I'm 24 yrs old. This is one of the most common symptoms of being pregnant, and coincidentally, also one of the most common symptoms of being a parent! Recognize that 99.9% of other expecting mothers have felt the same way that you do. My breast normally don't become sore until the day I start my period and nothing like how they are now. so this is my deal. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!! It's been two weeks since your last period and you're ovulating. Cramping. Anyway, it's been about 3 and a half weeks now and I should be due for my next period soon but I'm freaking the he'll out because I been sleepy, cramping in my lower abdominal & I wake up with back pains :( this morning I woke up and my mom had made something as soon as I smelled it I ran upstair to throw up i felt so nauseous ! , im nervous . A positive test is the most effective way to find out if you're pregnant. The constant need to pee can start as early as two to three weeks after conception, but it's more common to see it after the sixth week of pregnancy.4. I did not pull out when I ejaculated. I would recommend this is good article as well. I started experiencing slight dizziness about a week after (around the time of expected ovulation) and I felt a slight twinge on one side for about a few days (when the dizziness started) and I have not shown any other signs of pregnancy or pms besides slight dizziness on and off, could that mean that I am pregnant? Mood swings are most noticeable in the first twelve weeks of being pregnant. In early pregnancy, a bigger belly or feeling of tightness is probably due to digestive changes.