He has a dead plant on his desk which he won't let Merlin water, and he always put the most cash in to any birthday or leaving collection (yet never eats any of the cake Merlin has to buy with the money). "I lived a quiet and happy life with my little white-haired mother in a cottage in the woods, and the most annoying sound I ever heard was the clucking of the little hens at the bottom of the garden. What would Arthur do? Merlin returned to his scribbling. seen the kings this way for each other. Someone will be around for the rest of the day? Comfort (in your arms) by Oriberry. Then his eyes widen and he says, "Oh, shit.". "Are you high? The wedding was small for a King and his Consort, so small that it was the talk of all the kingdoms for. He closes his eyes for a moment, and soon he's being chased by huge chunks of chocolate cake. "They can use their teleporter. After that, it just gets worse. Then he digs out of his grave and goes back to Arthur. > That's no excuse.". "Finally," he says when Gwen lets Merlin in and bears off his proffered bottle of wine with a happy giggle. "Merlin wants to roll his eyes at that, but instead focusses all his will on making himself lift his wrist. "Merlin Emrys," she says, glancing at him coolly. "Not another teacher?". Arthur's hand closes around his wrist. "Go ahead. sire Merlin, are you alright? See? "Is that why the snivelling dude won't shut up?" Arthur and Morgana's friends are all ridiculously good-looking. "I may have to charge you rent.". You all have swords and I have my magic." A knight says, "Whoa." and Gwen cringed in surprise. Then, to Merlin's inexpressible indignation, the git gets his phone out. The vines find any Saxon knight they can, wrapping them up out of reach, but not killing them. Merlin's on the floor, and he can't remember getting here. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. The Pain of Suffering It is what is in his eyes that scared him the most. You'd think a near-death experience would exempt him from being yelled at for a while. And, yeah, I like it, he mumbled, eliciting a questioning glance from Arthur. "Are there any blokes kissing in this one?". When they go to Camelot to stay with a family friend, they both find work in the castle. It's clear he's not going to piss off until Merlin gets food, so he sighs and grabs his insulin out of his drawer. Kelan had made his way to the front lines, feeling useless so close to the back. Merlin vowed to always find and love Arthur in each lifetime. Come on! "When have you ever seen me put sugar in my tea? 92 guests "I thought we agreed you weren't going to tell me what to do any more? He gets two steps into the room before Freya tackles him, hugging him so hard that he's afraid he's going to fall right out into the corridor again. Arthur is impatient and rides out to look for his servant, despite what dangers await him. "We could not," Arthur says firmly and heads back to the intercom. "Stop fighting me," the git snaps and it's sharp enough that Merlin blinks and does what he's told. Tra loro sboccia l'amore, un amore forte e passionale ma che incontrer non pochi problemi perch i demoni del. Kelan's blade connects with the attacking Knight's, sparks showering at the class of iron. Arthur is captured and held for ransom. He gets as far as the foyer before he's stopped by the most terrifying woman he's ever encountered. Ascetir Arthur split the bread, tossed the larger chunk with uncanny accuracy. Arthur can't tell him not to do that! Arthur asks with what sounds like genuine curiosity. For the WearyWhen Arthur becomes King, Merlin overworks himself. "Oh. Once the smoke of the blast is cleared every one runs Merlyn doveva andare a studiare a Camelot come controllare la sua magia. Not for getting ill.", She looks at him for a second, eyebrows arching. "Edward has a sorcerer on his side, and a powerful one at that, and you want to put me, "I agree with Merlin," Elyan says and the Warlock in question puts his arm out towards the young knight and raises his eyebrows as if to say, ', ' "He's our greatest weapon, it would be a daft decision to relegate him to the back lines.". Merlino aveva aspettato secoli per rivedere Art e finalmente, quel piccolo grande desiderio di rivedere il suo padrone si realizzato. Stuck. "It was a blip. "This episode is tragic," Merlin informs him, breathing in tea fumes and huddling further into his corner. Freya keeps shooting him reproachful looks over the partition between their desks. ", Merlin jumps, spills hot tea all down his front and yelps, "No! she hisses at him during their morning break, spooning extra sugar into her tea with a ferocious clink of the spoon against the side of her mug. With a fiery personality and a heart t We all know Merlin. Then I had to seek out my fortune in the wicked city and I was forced to live on the streets and beg for crusts - oh, wait, that's what you think my life is like. Work Search: His feet don't quite feel like they're connected with the fuzzy floor of the lift any more, so he focusses himself by thinking about that cake, how it will taste dry and gritty on his tongue and he'll swallow it anyway; how he kind of hates chocolate when he actually has to eat it; how it will split apart under the clumsy press of his fork. ", "Yeah," Merlin mutters. After that, he gets worse. merlin fanfiction merlin jumps in front of arthur. "That's not very nice," Merlin complains, but the git is already moving away. Etc .And Merlin? Kelan's eyes go wide and Arthur gives an almost imperceptible nod to Merlin. Featuring Merlin/Leon bromance, a Gwaine with a past, a family for Merlin, an Arthur who isnt an Arthur, ghosts, battles, castles and maybe a kiss or two. It's not as if his job is ever interesting - he and Freya have the same vague lack of a job description. ", "He's on his way back up," says the nice stranger (nice ambulance man, that is, and oh fuck, his mum's going to kill him). Tonight when you said that thing about not knowing why Im with yougod Merlin.. "Couldn't afford it," Merlin says and smiles back at him. He helps himself to a biscuit without asking and says abruptly, "You haven't had lunch yet. Arthur grinned to himself as he heard Merlin hiss prat under his breath before storming out. When Arthur draws up outside Merlin's house, he's almost too cosy to move. So lets leave. Will Merlin make it through the twelve weeks without hearing the immortal words, 'Youre fired? Merlin wails again, but no one's listening to him, at least until he babbles, "Look, I'm sorry. But she's stopped, her hands clasped in front of her heart and her eyes wide. What will happen when Merlin quits his job as servant to the king due to feelings getting in the way? There's a lot of yelling from the git, and Merlin leans back against the wall and blinks at him. They are guarded, scarred and anguished. Written for this prompt at kinkme_merlin, which asked for diabetic!Merlin stuck in a lift with Arthur. This if is NOT for the feint of heart, you have been warned. Now all he has to do is figure out whats happened. Hes pompous and arrogant, and everything that Merlin hates about the upper world. Hope After Arthurs car accident, the couple had to deal with Arthurs disability. You have to stay next to me A Prince who lost everything when he was just a boy. Unfortunately, that's the only bit of the message that seems to get to Arthur, because he appears behind Merlin in the queue for the coffee machine the next morning, and says, "I hear I'm good for your health. insists They won't be up for hours, and they won't go to the library until three at the earliest. "Merlin," he says, around the git's fingers. Merlin finds himself as the son of a powerful rich man, Richard, and things couldnt be worse. "I don't know what his problem is," Merlin grumbles, passing the little complimentary biscuits to her. Merlin slowly falls in love with Arthur, and can't take the constant pain of seeing him with Gwen every day. Feed me if I faint! A little bit like them. ", "I," she proclaims, "am Human Resources. One. Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #merlinfanfic, #merlinfanfiction, #merlinfanart, # . See?" This stor Arthur Pendragon is known by all as the Prince of Camelot, but no one knows of Merlin. Come in to read, write, review, and interact with other fans. "All falling apart because she'd spread the butter too hard.". However these ones should cover :). . When some of the new recruits notice the odd behavior of a certain servant towards their King and the other knights, they take measures in to their own hands to teach hi Merlin's secret is revealed to Arthur whilst on a hunting trip. The world will stop wandering off in different directions from him and he'll be able to remember what his feet are called and how to stand up. Keep Your Secrets Arthur is captured and held for ransom. When they returned to their camp, the fire was low and the knights were asleep, even Elyan who had volunteered to take first watch. Quella che la maga non sapeva e Avete presente quando re Alined vuole la guerra e cerca di far innamorare Art di Lady Vivian? ", "You'll never what?" None of them are too smartly dressed, to his relief, and even Arthur's switched his normal suit for jeans and a red t-shirt. Warnings: An odd bit of swearing. Highest Ranking-> #1 in MerlinxArthur like water on a burning beach by lunapark. I'm a nurse and a friend of Arthur's. Maybe those wounds have hurt his heart, not just his body.~ Lifts always have them in films.". "Oh, come on," Merlin protests. I'm turning into the ultimate arts graduate clich. Arthur asks, his hands wandering Merlin's form, which is clad only in his Court Sorcerer's robes with not even a helmet to protect him, let alone any chainmail. Merlin groaned. and so Merlin did. "They seem to think so, at least," Merlin says. Maybe he's ill too. "Eat that before it gets cold. But they both knew that Merlin needed water. Well, never mind. Thank you Gwen and Morgana are both in the kitchen, their voices murmuring softly as they clear up and make coffee. With all his heart, he wishes that the lift would move, so he can get to that chocolate cake and then everything will be okay. Arthur fiddles with his cup of tea (and it's only now that Merlin realises that he's not the only one without a pudding). Title: Broodmare Disclaimer: Merlin is owned by the BBC and other associated parties. Merlin nods, his smirk widening and he says, "I wouldn't have it any other way, His voice is dripping with sarcasm by the end of it, and Kelan really can't see how Merlin and Arthur are, Arthur sighs and leans his forehead against Merlin's, his eyes shut tightly. Their thick icing hangs heavily over their rippling flesh as they hunt, circling slowly as he flounders through a marsh of sugar cane. I'm pretty good in some of the medieval dialects - probably better than anyone else in the office. Arthur has obviously never had a drink thrown in his face before. The story seems to have gone right around the office, and the first job he gets offered that morning involves digging around the basement to find a load of old exam syllabuses for the woman who sits behind him. It is just the way things are., Arthur frowns at Merlins words. He searches for it, with an increasing flutter of panic. "Thought you might show up tonight," he murmured. "How much of a moron are you?". For that, Arthur makes him sharpen pencils all morning. And don't tell me he means well. He emails Arthur the result (6.2 and close to perfect) together with a really obnoxious smiley. "Now shut up, both of you, so I talk to the engineers.". Can I come in? "Now why are you hanging around here? He doesn't think it's fair. ", Merlin nods, his smirk widening and he says, "I wouldn't have it any other way, Kelan doesn't say anything, just stares at the two nobles in shock. Kelan knew the two were married, everyone in the realm knew that. Merlin is quite capable of filling his own lunch tray, thank you very much, and he does not appreciate the gruesome pictures of gangrenous feet Arthur keeps sending him under the heading This Could Happen To You! When Arthur reaches the clearing he sees several of the knights bloodied and bruised and what looks like a naked man lying on the ground bound in silver chains. "Sleeping with the enemy!" "Uh," Merlin says, glancing back wistfully at Lancelot. "Take my picture, please, even if you want me to go home. The git is pushing something at his mouth. He must pass out from fear, because he dreams that he's stuck in a lift with the git, who is shaking his shoulder so hard it makes Merlin rock and lose his balance. Merlin looks up at Arthur, smiling as well, before saying, "We need more men like you in the Royal Guard.". as well as "Edward has a sorcerer on his side, and a powerful one at that, and you want to put me Camelot's council goes into chaos. "Do you do this for every sick employee?" Merlin has been coping okay because he has loved Arthur since they were teenagers and as long as he lives he prefers 10 times a damaged!Arthur that no Arthur at all, and the blond is just unbelievable lucky that Merlin loves him that much to stick with him through all this. "I'll have you thrown in . I. Dont. The basement is huge and complex, with rooms within rooms and occasional strange corners where entire empty offices have been set up behind screens, dark computers and dusty desks and chairs that roll uneasily across the bare concrete when Merlin spins on them. "Is she..", "A real dalek? He placed the plate of meat, bread and cheese on the table with a flourish of his hands. Home / Uncategorized / merlin fanfiction merlin jumps in front of arthur Will he ever be able to look Merlin in the eyes again? ", "Oooh, I love that film," Gwen says, and then adds, "But it's only a film. Let Freya sharpen his stupid pencils and reformat his crappy footnotes. . Merlin, un ragazzo che la vita sta mettendo a dura prova, incrocer il suo cammino. ", "Oh, it's only because we have to live with Arthur," Gwen says. He'd promised Arthur he would try and he was trying but he'd only get to the top of the stairs before freezing in fear. "Hey, is anyone down there? "Hopefully I'll go blind, and then I won't have to look at your face any more. Arthur demands, sitting himself down uninvited. Kelan swore to protect his kings, and he will do exactly that. Merlin has not returned. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. His legs keep trying to roll up under him but he can manage a few steps. Merlin was amazing. "And then they need to be sorted by language, exam board and year," Linda explains, and adds, rolling her eyes towards Arthur. And what if Merlin, the average, "small village" boy, was supposedly the one destined to free him? "We only got here five minutes ago and Morgause is still stuck in traffic somewhere.". This is the tale of two very uncertain lovers still unsure about each other, especially considering that Arthur now knows about magic. "Who are you? Welcome to my 100th fanfiction published on this website :), Knights of the Round Table & Merlin (Merlin), Gwaine Knows About Merlin's Magic (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon Finds Out About Merlin's Magic (Merlin), The Knights Find Out About Merlin's Magic (Merlin). "Find Merlin" Well, fuck. Kelan coughs to hide a laugh that threatens to escape. This is based on a tumblr post. Both King Arthur and Court Sorcerer Merlin treat her with kindness and fondness that rivals nothing else. When Morris opened the door, he smiled kindly. Arthur turns around, smiling as well, before it drops because he sees what's behind Merlin, at the same time Kelan sees. Youre mine.. Merlin babbles away in self-defence, and gets nothing but disapproving stares. Arthur gets to Merlin first, grabbing him by the shoulders before wrapping his arms around Merlin's waist, and spinning him around, leaning over him so if the hit does land, it will hit Arthur instead. Arthur rushes forward, panic etched onto his features, reaching out for Merlin, while Kelan sprints as fast as he can, rushing to protect his kings. The carpet is rough and prickly under his hands, as if it's sucking all the remaining sugar in his system right away, and he keeps shaking into the cold wall of the lift. ", "The lift is broken," Arthur tells him. Long-fic ambienta ai giorni nostri. They'll still be there if he needs them again later today and as soon they get to the ground floor, he can get into the canteen and there's always chocolate cake and Barbara there likes him and will slip him an extra slice. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). Merlin. He stays angry all weekend, turning his music up loud and muttering at Mabel, who has almost vanished underneath everyone's piled up winter coats. What if it was Merlin's, not Gwen's, kiss that broke the enchantment? Everything is super fluffy, I'm sorry! It's not until ten to one that he realises he's left his insulin upstairs. ", "I don't want his help. She is best friends with Snow White from a young age and sat by her . And you could- I mean the girls would like - Gwen has a recipe for sugar-free vodka jelly.". bonus point if it is in frond of arthur/merlin ;) canon-era please. "You planning to stay here?" He eats it too quickly, feeling it cling to his tongue, sweet and cloying, and thinks,Take that, Arthur Pendragon! ", "Stay if you want," Merlin says quickly. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. ", "Quite well, actually," Merlin says, trying to snatch his precious morning caffeine hit back. Long-fic nel quale Merlin un orfano, cresciuto tra famiglie adottive e orfanotrofi. He staggers back, dazed, and Kelan spins around, using the momentum of his entire body to slash across the neck of the unnamed knight. Theres mystery, a possible assassination attempt, the infamous feast hat, and a lot of pining on Arthurs part. They'd been bonding, he was sure. When Merlin ventured back to Ealdor to help fight off Kanen, he returned to Camelot with someone else, his little sister, Miriam. A lot of people assume they're all crazy. ", "I work here," Merlin says, trying to sidestep around her. "Oh, you're Merlin, right?" He likes to glare at people for laughing and breaking the hallowedish silence of the research division. Again, thanks so much. ", "No!" "What do you think you're doing here? A Hard-On for Violence This has been the worst day of Arthurs life. You have proved yourself to be willing to lay down your life for Camelot.". "Are you stupid or just thick?" Summary:On the TV show The Apprentice Merlin is a candidate and Arthur is a boardroom adviser. Cables creep up the walls and hang from the ceiling in multi-coloured bundles and it's half an hour before he even starts looking for Linda's boxes. Chapter 9: Hopeless. ", "Not that I know of." Now Merlin finds it difficult to open himself up to love again. Or, Arthur protects Merlin over and over, falling a little more in love each time. Sixth form art project. Im sorry, but I fell in love tonight by fallenfairytale, Merlin licks his lips, forgetting for a moment about how swollen his mouth is. "There's a reason why I'm in HR and Arthur's doing research," Morgana agrees.