And that is what has allowed Kirsch, and people like him, to become so influential. It was completed in August. are all super cheap, effective, and available without a prescription. There are reports of people who cant tolerate the drug, but they stop using it and nothing bad happened. Pretty much nothing changed when the Phase 3 trial confirmed fluvoxamine worked. Fluvoxamine is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), a class of anti-depressants, mostly prescribed for people suffering from an obsessive-compulsive disorder. Things took a final and dramatic turn once Kirsch started claiming the government was covering up vaccine deaths. It does not matter how many lives will be saved. The FDA is will take months to deliberate on the fluvoxamine EUA application that we submitted on January 29. It will be months before enrollments are complete. 95% confidence effect size is 75% or more. All this was known back in January 2021 when a key opinion leader panel of experts from NIH, CDC, FDA, academia, and journal editors voted by over 2:1 to recommend that fluvoxamine be recommended to physicians to discuss with patients. But as Kirsch has clashed with the experts he initially surrounded himself with, hes grown increasingly close to others who share his perspectives on vaccineswho have, in turn, provided a large and receptive audience to his claims about a fluvoxamine conspiracy. The alarming article cited the claims of two anti-vaxxers, Steve Kirsch and Dr. Robert Malone. CETF funded David Boulware's trials on hydroxychloroquine and the Phase 2 and Phase 3 fluvoxamine trials, among many other research projects. So how did a man once intent on furthering science become a source of misinformation that undermines the very research he funded? Since then, he has continued to promote fluvoxamine, along with ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. Boulware disputes that, and says that although Kirschs funding was important, his statements about drugs and vaccines have proven problematic. Dosage there is 30mg once a day. We now have a viable solution to reduce COVID hospitalization and mortality; Say you just got diagnosed with COVID. . This alone will give roughly a 50% effect size and explains why all of the the SSRIs are effective including those that do not activate the Sigma1 receptor (e.g., Paroxetine). 90,000 people don't have to die in the next 3 weeks. Answer (1 of 2): Yes, In a preliminary study of COVID-19 patients with mild-to-moderate disease who were attempting to recover in their homes, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have found that the drug fluvoxamine seems to prevent some of the most serious compli. Steve Kirsch is looking for an explanation for 171,000 excess deaths. It does not matter how many lives will be saved. The WashU Phase 3 study hasnt been disclosed yet, but they had compliance problems with their patients this time around (phase 2 was local so the patients got the drug early and also were very compliant and the placebo group was truly taking nothing). The reason that it isnt used is because the medical community ignores evidence-based medicine principles. Mr. Steve Kirsch - A philanthropist and former Silicon Valley tech executive. ALWAYS check with your doctor and report any medications you are taking before or plan to take after you start taking fluvoxamine. Early treatment with existing drugs is the fastest, most effective, and lowest. It is about following orders and making money for the drug companies and protecting the doctor from liability and losing his medical license. We should not wait for the Phase 3 RCT. This was shown to be very tolerable (no side effects in 99% of patients) and extremely effective (no hospitalizations and death if you start it ASAP after first symptoms). By Steve Kirsch Last updated: March 14, 2021 After I appeared on the60 Mi nut es story about fluvoxamine,I've received a lot of questions from people about how to treat COVID. Some people are jittery, but usually that is because the doctor either prescribed a dosage higher than 50mg twice a day or didnt notify the patient to completely avoid the list in the previous paragraph, or the patient is simply sensitive to the drug (50mg twice a day can be too much for some people). The sooner you start, the better the outcomes. It has enrolled only 130 people in the first month and is enrolling only 70 per week now. (One of them, Eric Lenze, was in fact giving a presentation on fluvoxamine to the National Institutes of Health the next day.) Fluvoxamine is a very safe drug on market for 37 years, tens of millions of people have taken it, no record in scientific literature of anyone dying on overdose, and according to doctors that know the drug the best, about as dangerous as taking a Tylenol. The only way to do that is to treat them as early as possible with a drug that prevents hospitalization and death. By Steve Kirsch in fluvoxamine Feb 14, 2021 The case for fluvoxamine for treating COVID-19 A very short op-ed arguing for using fluvoxamine against COVID. So it was both obvious and convincing the difference between the groups to the workers and the track management. Im not going to make the same mistake again.. Infoseek lost out to Yahoo; it had a chance to grow bigger, but it didn't. Here are my answers. Note that some of these articles are inaccurate. Dr. Eric Lenze: So the results were really pretty. NIH and WHO refuse to acknowledge it works since it will cause vaccine hesitancy if it is known that there is a drug that turns COVID into a mild disease. . Online. . My experience is very typical. Jeffrey Glenn, an infectious disease professor at Stanford University, calls the inaction on the current evidence on the table "criminal.". Doctors who have used fluvoxamine in the US and other countries swear by it. Fauci wants the vaccine to be the only option, Cliff Lane works for Fauci, and Cliff follows his orders. About 10 minutes on the internet will show you those two gentlemen, who have appeared together, have been extensively fact checked for false or misleading claims or misuse of VAERS reporting and other data. The most stunning study of fluvoxamine ever done was at the Golden Gate Fields racetrack in November 2020, right after the WashU trial was published in JAMA. [, The most urgent need in the country right now is to reduce. ICER, a non-profit known as the nations drug pricing watchdog, did a review of the evidence and determined that fluvoxamine evidence is superior to Molnupiravir. It is perhaps the greatest unnecessary loss of life in American history. But they dont want their names used. As of November 13, fluvoxamine has been proven to work in every trial that has published results, including outpatient and inpatient studies. Everyone says "we need more data" to show fluvoxamine works for COVID. On his blog, Covid-19 Data Science, he has extensivelyand mercilesslyunpacked Kirschs evidence for the vaccine death claims. All the medical journals refused to publish the meeting notes (rejected by 6 journals). His latest startup, M10, is a spin-off of a spin-off that sells a blockchain for banks. See this Wall Street Journal op-ed. this is NOT about the science. But the potential upsides. In June, after CETFs advisory board resigned, Kirsch did a Facebook Live video with Zelenko and celebrity rehab coach Dr. Drew. Server IP address resolved: Yes Http response code: 200 Response time: 0.27 sec. In other cases, stop cold turkey. There are 4 outpatient studies that have been done (2 at WashU (see Phase 2 trial results published in JAMA), one in Berkeley, CA by David Seftel, one in Brazil published in the Lancet, and one in-patient study done in Croatia. Doing something is better than nothing. In-patient use. So instead of this paper being treated as confirming an earlier hypothesis, it was treated as generating a novel hypothesis. The collateral damage is that, now, a lot of people dont trust scientific leaders or the scientific community. The Lancet paper showed that if you were treated early enough and took the drug as prescribed (it only works if you take it), it was shown to reduce your chance of death by 12X making it far more effective than any other drug for COVID. Drug interactions should be checked for. The group who declined the drug were very sick with 12.5% requiring hospitalization and one died. ICER Publishes Final Evidence Report and Policy Recommendations on Outpatient Treatments for COVID-19 - ICER. But a panel of key opinion leaders from the NIH, CDC . So probability of successful Phase 3 can be estimated to be over 99.99% since there are tens of thousands of phase 3 studies. Generally, at 50mg BID x 14, it is very tolerable as long as the patient is instructed to lay off the caffeine. . With little government funding available for such work, Kirsch founded the Covid-19 Early Treatment Fund (CETF), putting in $1 million of his own money and bringing in donations from Silicon Valley luminaries: the CETF website lists the foundations of Marc Benioff and Elon Musk as donors. One of the drugs, Fluvoxamine, showed a 30 . has tons of info on fluvoxamine with all the links. The 50mg BID dose was quite effective, but it has to be started early (as soon as symptoms start). The board members I spoke to say they refused to publicly promote any drugs for off-label use and tried to explain to Kirsch that its incredibly common for exciting results from small trials to disappear in larger ones. There is no evidence fluvoxamine is harmful and led to a worse outcome. Steve wanted to say, Look, Ive got all these famous [infectious disease] docs and researchers, and they all say give fluvoxamine a chance, Judith Feinberg, one of the former CETF advisory board members and vice chair of research at the West Virginia University School of Medicine, told me. The ongoing battle between social-media companies and covid-19 misinformation pushersincluding US president Donald Trumpstepped up again this week thanks to a new viral video. To protect M10 from my COVID-19 vaccination opinions, I will no longer post about my vaccination concerns here. If you continue to get this message, Hes refused to accept the results of a hydroxychloroquine trial that showed the drug had no value in treating covid, for instance, instead blaming investigators for poor study design and statistical errors. Flavio Cadegiani and Steve Kirsch's studies didn't make the cut. Kirsch and his wife, Michele, fund a charitable foundation, which by 2007 had given $75 million to different causes. This is what the Seftel trial at Golden Gate fields used. While YouTube has repeatedly taken down the full video of the DarkHorse episode, various clips have been watched over 4 million times, and the full audio remains available on Spotify. In the second trial, it was shown to be 100% effective in long-haul COVID symptoms: None of the treated patients had any long-haul symptoms after 2 weeks compared to 60% of untreated patients having 1 or more of the 15 long-haul symptoms after two weeks, and 29% having 4 of more of the long haul symptoms after 2 weeks. Jeffrey Morris, director of biostatistics at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, has made debunking Kirschs claims something of a hobby. Discover special offers, top stories, Compulsive fiddling with your mask? My website. Worst case, if we ignore all additional evidence so the average is a 60% pass rate. Don't underestimate the virus. In October, the group reported that, while a few patients in the placebo group ended up in the hospital, none of the patients receiving fluvoxamine got sick enough to go. A video presentation by Steve Kirsch, Executive Director of the Covid-19 Early Treatment Fund. All this was known back in January 2021 when a key opinion leader panel of experts from NIH, CDC, FDA, academia, and journal editors voted by over 2:1 to recommend that fluvoxamine be recommended to physicians to discuss with patients. Today, if we follow the CDC advice, nearly 100,000 people a month will die from COVID. Summary of key evidence. As of November 13, fluvoxamine has been proven to work in every trial that has published results, including outpatient and inpatient studies. Their willingness to lie did. At that dose, no side effects were reported for his patients (I know of only one person who had mild nausea at that dose) and everyone reversed out their symptoms in an average of 3 days. And, according to three members of CETF's scientific advisory board, he put pressure on them to promote fluvoxamine for clinical use without conclusive data that it worked for . Medicine isnt about saving lives anymore. [4] Steve Kirsch - Silicon Valley Philanthropist Shares Review of CDC Data: COVID-19 Vaccine Associated with 100X Deaths Compared to Influenzas [5] Steve Kirsch - FOIA Document for Vaccine Discussion as to mRNA-based Vaccine Safety Signals Added 12th August 2021: P-value was 10^-14 on that study (done by Dr. Seftel). Expect similar things to happen when Eiger applies for an EUA for interferon lambda, a drug with a 89% efficacy in phase 3 trials. This is the gold standard of evidence based medicine. There were IRB rules that required the 65 patients to be listed in the diagrams and charts. Online. Former Silicon Valley tech executive Steve Kirsch, a philanthropist and Substack author who created the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund (CETF) to fund researchers working on repurposed drugs, including fluvoxamine, which reduces death from COVID by a factor of 12. You will be wired for 24 hours if you dont heed my advice. But even that didnt last long. Steve Kirsch. Im taking low dosage Fluvoxamine as part of a multi-drug FLCCC protocol to alleviate some mild brain fog. If the drug is started right after symptoms, weve seen 100% prevention in hospitalization. I fully expected both organizations to do absolutely nothing. Another is to identify an asteroid that is going to hit the planet.. Medium banned him for misinformation. Soon after his appearance on the DarkHorse podcast, several partners of his most recent startup, M10, expressed concerns about the increasing extremism of Kirschs vaccine views. That way you can start immediately. There are now 5 independent observational studies that show that the drug works (2 in France, 1 in Germany, 2 in the US). Mar. I couldn't agree more. He started a new pseudonymous account, @VaccineTruth2, to continue broadcasting messages. But an Editor's Note urged physicians to treat this as a hypothesis and not as a basis for clinical decision-making. His foundation shifted focus to one goalcuring Steve Kirschby supporting one of the few scientists looking at the disease. I bumped up the reward to $1M. For example, tylenol+caffeine+fluvoxamine can lead to serotonin syndrome. Stopping the meds will return you to your normal self. O, Platelet reactivity to thrombin differs between patients with COVID-19 and those with ARDS unrelated to COVID-19 | Blood Advances | American Society of Hematology, Fluvoxamine for COVID-19 summary Steve Kirsch Executive Director COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund 650-279-1008, Fluvoxamine for COVID-19 Steve Kirsch Executive Director COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund 650-279-1008, Drug Repurposing Research Leads to Potentially Game-Changing Treatment to Prevent Clinical Deterioration in Outpatients With COVID, The Covid-19 Early Treatment Fund was launched to provide funding for research in order to, Steve Kirschs answer to What is the current treatment for Covid-19? It could do nothing. Independent appraisal committee votes 11-2 that the evidence is not adequate to demonstrate a net health benefit for molnupiravir over symptomatic care alone; Paxlovid and fluvoxamine receive more favorable votes. Fluvoxamine, created 37 years ago, is an inexpensive and widely available generic drug. Be warned!. Theres nothing there.). Three of the four outpatient trials have been reported out: all were successful. My website has tons of info on fluvoxamine with all the links. fluvoxamine The fast, easy, safe, simple, low cost treatment for COVID that has worked 100% of the time to prevent hospitalization that nobody wants to talk about We now have a viable solution to reduce COVID hospitalization and mortality; Read More fluvoxamine Got COVID? Personal life. Steve put in $1MM of his own money and . He immediately tweeted an offer to give anyone $1 million if they could win a debate with him about vaccine deaths. In three phone conversations, as well as dozens of emails, his responses to questions about claims in this story were imprecise or constantly changing. . In the studies and the anecdotes I am aware of, everyone reversed symptoms within days of getting the drug. Fluvoxamine was reportedly added to just 2 practice guidelines (Ontario and Johns Hopkins). This is the #1 ranked best answer to "COVID treatment" on Quora: Presentation on how fear of trying something new is what keeps us shutdown and leads to unnecessary loss of life: The Lenze fluvoxamine RCT that was published in JAMA on November 12, 2020 showed a 100% success rate in preventing hospitalization. Talking to Kirsch is an exhausting experience. It is currently approved for treatment of depression and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Steve is a Silicon Valley entrepreneur and philanthropist who founded the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund (CETF) at the beginning of the pandemic. A very short op-ed arguing for using fluvoxamine against COVID. Several other trials around the world are in the final stages, too. The premise made sense: Most experts were predicting vaccines would take years, while finding helpful drugs with known safety profiles could shortcut the approval process. He considers himself an expert in something that he doesnt have training or experience in, and hes not following scientific methods to assess data.. I will . It was approved by the FDA in 1994 and has been used in millions of patients worldwide. Most doctors wont use it until NIH greenlights it, no matter what the science says. She understands complex, politicized pandemicsshe was one of the first clinicians to specialize in HIV/AIDS, and she sat on the FDA advisory panel that approved the first antiretroviral drug. Twenty-four years ago, . My publicly shared concerns regarding the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines may have had a negative impact on my company, M10. In two trials (both published studies in peer reviewed journals with Editor's Choice in both cases), the drug had a 100% effect size in protecting against hospitalization from the respiratory symptoms from COVID. Other drugs in this class include Prozac (fluoxetine), Zoloft (sertraline) and Paxil (paroxetine). Medicine today isnt about saving your life. This suggests that a 50mg BID loading dose for day one, followed by 50mg QD dose for the following 13 days should also be quite effective. The paramedics will think you are on drugs. That way you can start immediately. I asked to give a talk about COVID at MIT, but they couldn't find a faculty member to sponsor it.