That's information that either could potentially use to tip the balance, but perhaps Saruman would also have had awareness that a contest with Sauron was one that he couldn't possibly win? Gandalf & Galadriel admitted they would eventually fall to evil will of Sauron through the One Ring. Is he stronger than the will of the ring? I don't think we have enough information to answer this with certainty. I recall the Narsil having been forged by the elves, using elvish magic. At the same time, most of the Elves were leaving Middle-earth, and Saruman betrayed everyone and joined Sauron. I don't think it would have made Saruman invincible, and, after all, he still would still have had to contend for instance with Treebeard and the Ents, as well as with Sauron. There's this passage that describes what happened after the death of his physical body: To the dismay of those that stood by, about the body of Saruman a grey mist gathered, and rising slowly to a great height like smoke from a fire, as a pale shrouded figure it loomed over the Hill. It might be that if Saruman had the Ring he would, in a Maiar way, then become Sauron in the same way. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. if you want to support in a different way then check out our Teespring page where we upload original designs for our merch! As was made quite clear at the Council of Elrond, as long as the Ring existed Sauron could not fully be destroyed. It does not store any personal data. House of Dragons vs. Why are physically impossible and logically impossible concepts considered separate in terms of probability? The implication is that Saruman has to defeat Sauron. Or perhaps his lust for power would have blinded him to that? Director Peter Jackson adapted the books into six films divided into two trilogies The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit.More popularly referred to as The Lord of the Rings movies, watching them in chronological order helps viewers place certain disparate events . Sauron was much the stronger, but a lot of his power is in the ring. He will likely go through some things, but that would mean the Gandalf we meet in the Second Age is largely the same as the Gandalf in the Third Age. Gandalf and Galadriel both seem to think that they could take the One, and replace Sauron - if they can so could Saruman. Blake Hawkins has written TV and movie features and recaps for CBR since March of 2021. We dont know if the Stranger will make it to his destination and the show could certainly deviate from lore or invent new history ( as it has done already). Would Sauron be able to open two fronts, battling against Isengard and Gondor? However, that's not the most likely scenario. So if Saruman mastered the Ring, he would become the . This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. So, it seems Sauron is not invincible, even with the ring, much less against it. He would soon surmise Saruman didn't have the Ring and the two halflings were ringers. Saruman had full control of his army, which is why the Hobbits were being brought to him (because they maybe had the ring), instead of immediately to Sauron (who at the time of their capture, they were much closer to). However, The Lord of the Rings TV series still left plenty of questions for future seasons. The Rise Of LOTR's Witch-king Of Angmar. Unfortunately, Sauron had got on the wrong side of a particularly powerful race: the Nmenreans.The isle of Nmenr was a realm of men that sat apart from Middle-earth and those who lived there were more powerful than the men seen elsewhere in The Lord of . Saruman is one of few "grey" characters in the books, meaning he's neither gone fully evil or good. We know of his ultimate betrayal against Middle-earth, maybe especially against his fellow Wizards and the Valar. A capable bearer would have all that power, plus whatever native power he or she had to begin with. So all of the vanilla staves will get a retexture that adds a new color depending on their enchantment. In fact, as recent graduate of Greensboro College's honors program, Blake wrote his thesis on Star Wars and its religious connections. RELATED: Thranduil Was a Jerk - But Lord of the Rings' Only Dark Elf Was Actually Evil. That's when the Rohirrim attacked, allowing the Hobbits to escape into Fangorn forest. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Either way, Saruman through torture or his Voice would have quickly learned everything about the Quest of the Ring. It would be difficult for Sauron. Even still, Frodo set the benchmark for hope and volunteered to take the One Ring to Mordor, where he destroyed it and saved the world from disaster. If Im not mistaken, he is Vanyar? The greatest act of disobedience in LOTR had possibly the greatest consequences which in the end saved the Quest of the Ring and saved Middle-Earth that being Eomer's act of disobedience. The thing is, that wouldn't be a simple task. Middle-earth & J.R.R. We'll pick u. He disobeyed his king but he held his loyalty to his people and by doing so he inadvertently saved Middle-Earth. You must log in or register to reply here. "Greetings, Naruto Wraithslayer, wielder of the Faerdagnir. Frodo was a hobbit with one companion, in the heart of Sauron's realm. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Saruman in the Shire: how long had he been planning it? The content on this site is for entertainment and educational purposes only. Gil Galad, and the last alliance also defeated Sauron, without the help of the Maiar, as well. Tolkien edited by Christopher Tolkien. Although Saruman had selfish motives, he didn't expect to fall so deep . When given the opportunity It would betray Its wearer, and find Its way back to Its Master. Sauron may not learn the true goal of the Ringbearer but he would know that the ringbearer was most likely near or nearing his borders. Keep in mind the Ring doesn't only have Sauron's power in it. Although he never appears directly in the books and is only shown in the movies in a flashback to the War of the Last Alliance, his corruptive influence is felt nearly everywhere in Middle-Earth. The Ring merely corrupted you, it did not control you. 3 yr. ago. What happens next? Saruman later describes himself as "Ring-maker" when taunting Gandalf. Was the "Eye of Sauron" Sauron's actual physical form? Naruto turned, and saw a Wizard in all white and an Elven Lady behind him. Saruman would have made a tasty little morsel for Sauron. As with Gandalf or Galadriel, the Ring would comply with the good intent of their first efforts. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Like the Valar He was created in the Beginning. There's a moment near the end of The Two Towers when one of the Nazgul comes literally within arms' reach of the Ring.It happens in the ruined city of Osgiliath. In the Silmarillion we have Iluvatar's strongest creation falling from grace.In many ways Saruman's fall is the 3rd Age equivalent. The stone had a green/purple coloring. Please message us if we have not credited you! It has been suggested that the reason why Saruman lost access to magic after the . 2463, Saruman was appointed its leader.Even then, he had begun to sense the resurgence of Sauron and to envy and desire his power, and especially his One Ring.Coincidentally, in that same year the One Ring was found by the creature Gollum, drawing the Dark Lord closer to the conflict that would eventually prove Saruman's undoing. Remember, the greater part of Saurons strength was poured into the ring. The Ring still wants to be with its true master. He says: "Even reckoned as a lord and captain Saruman has grown very strong Saruman also had a mind to capture the Ring for himself [Sauron] now has Isengard to fear as well as Minas Tirith" The word "fear" seems important here. With the more powerful becoming all the more corrupted. Gandalf found out that Saruman had abandoned his mission when the White Wizard asked him to join forces with Sauron. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. He now lives with his family in Lynchburg VA and is an avid outdoorsman. He easily would have had mastery over the ring itself. Saruman's power is that of influence, both in a political sense of his influence as the highest member of the council, but also in the sense of being able to have some control over other people . The Lord of the Rings is one of the best series of three fantasy adventure films, The Fellowship of the Ring (2001), The Two Towers (2002), and The Return of the King (2003), directed by Peter Jackson, based on the novel which was written by J. R. R. Tolkien.The series is widely regarded as the greatest and the most influential, it was also a huge success financially and is among the highest . This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. As mentioned, the Valar sent the Istari (who are Maiar spirits) to Middle-earth. Answer (1 of 13): If Saruman acquired the One Ring and had time to learn to use it, then he would go to war against Sauron. But if The Rings of Power already called dibs on Gandalf's origins, there's always the tale of what the grey wizard got up to between The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, a story so worthwhile . I say this because Saruman would never have destroyed the ring and so the ring would have eventually consumed him since Sauron was its true master. Had Isuldur done the wise thing, and pitched that sucker in the crack of doom, that would have been it. Today we jump back in time to one of our older videos at one of our What If scenarios! There would have been one less Peter Jackson movie. Sauron would then have suspended his campaign against Minas Tirith, and instead sent his armies north-west, through Rohan towards Isengard. In Rivendell, Frodo all but offers the Ring to Aragorn, saying Then it belongs to you, and not to me at all! (FOTR260). Gandalf was hand-selected and sent by Manw. Did Peter Jackson take inspiration for Gollum from "Dracula 1931" movie. Come join us to discuss the works of Tolkien. By the end of Return of the King, Saruman has lost his powers and has resorted to becoming a lowly criminal. 1 What would have happened if Saruman got the ring? Balrogs are intelligent sentient beings. But if Eomer hadn't disobeyed orders? In the appendices it mentions the three assaults on Lorien, during the final days of the struggle. If he didn't get the Truth from Saruman, he could get it from the halflings and if they were dead due to Saruman, capture and question any of Saruman's orcs or men roaming between Isengard and the Black Gate. So it's possible that someone of sufficient power could break the Rings bond to Sauron. But he didn't because Eomer disobeyed his king and destroyed an orc band that had the most crucial thing needed by both Saruman and Sauron - information. He'd have used his bird spies to scour the area and sent out Uruks on wargs and men on horses. When it comes to the Stranger, played by Daniel Weyman, we learned he is one of the Istari, but we did not learn his actual name. Do you want to be the first who gets the news directly to your mailbox? He said yes!" The pair had met through mutual friends years ago, but had an immediate spark when they reconnected last year. Narsil was made by the dwarves not elves. Courage to ones fellows, hope in adversity, and comfort to the suffering were the powers enhanced by the three. The three created majesty of a different sort, and magnified the loyalty of those who already were loyal, rather than coercing by fear. Although they did oppose the will of Sauron, while he did not have the one, they were still subject to his will, if he regained it, and all that had been done with them would be revealed. But if only one Istar has come to Middle-earth so far, Saruman is a strong candidate. Thank you! Is Taco Bell healthier than other fast food? This just had to be the best designed set, even better than the 2017 UCS Millennium Falcon! Some interesting conjecture, but you're forgetting that if anyone replaced Sauron as the "master" of the One Ruling Ring, they would sever Sauron's tie to the ring and essentially reduce him to an ineffectual spirit who could no longer interact with the physical world. The Palantri. Unfortunately, the woman did not remember the name of the stone and we will be in St. Thomas next week (YEAY) so I was wondering if anyone had any idea what this stone . Ar Pharazon the Golden defeated Sauron, before he lost the ring, and he was just a Numenorean. The Silmarillion says, In the likeness of men they appeared, old but vigorous. Only Crdan the Shipwright knew Sarumans identity. Gandalf found out that Saruman had abandoned his mission when the White Wizard asked him to join forces with Sauron. And in The Rings of Power, when the . If Saruman masters the ring, he will have a chance of defeating Sauron. First off, it gives us an idea of how dangerous the Ring is- if the head of the Istari and White Council can . In the chaos Eomer created, two hobbits managed to escape with the help of a greedy orc and met with an ancient being which in turn led to the ruin of Saruman. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. His own greed and lust for power turned him to darkness on his own, and Sauron through the Palantir had already turned Saruman into his tool - though Saruman was of no use to Sauron at all once defeated. I got down on bended knee at the top of the mountain and proposed. We learn that Denethor, steward of Gondor, had used the Palantir to divine knowledge of the Enemys movements only just before the steward burns himself alive. By this Tolkien shows that disobedience for good reasons has merit. Today we jump back in time to one of our older videos at one of our What If scenarios! I imagine it'd be a similar situation as if Gandalf or Saruman got The Ring. rev2023.3.3.43278. He eventually became the leader of the Istari because of all of them, he had most studied the devices of Sauron of old. In other words, he learned about dark magic and Ringlore and knew the enemy the best of the Istari. He also used his Palantir to spy on Sauron. Posted September 4, 2007. mysticalblues said: My roommate met someone last week that had a ring that she got in St. Thomas. Lots of great, exclusive content, even discounts on our original merch! You would have a situation where Saruman knows exactly where the Ringbearer is headed and Sauron knowing Saruman is suspiciously concentrated on the area from Parth Galen to the Black Gate. He is, I suppose, the same order of creature as Sauron himself, so could he? He's the anti-hero in his own story who spends time with the Blue Wizards in the East, heads up the White Council, and eventually . The one ring would have made him more like what he was before he left on his mission to middle-earth, only corrupted and evil. If Saruman had taken and claimed the Ring for his own, Sauron would have been aware of it immediately. For these reasons, Tolkien tells us, the Nazgul (powerful though they were) would have hesitated to attack Frodo directly, after Frodo finally claimed the Ring for his own. What If SARUMAN managed to get his hands on the One Ring and how that . Such uses can be done without permission from the copyright owner.In the event I use art of yours or you have any questions, please contact me and we'll get it sorted straight away! This mod, although it doesn't add a new staff to the game, creates a unique design for all of the Skyrim staves. Through them Tolkien shows Faramir and Eomer's quality was in not being blind followers of loyalty and obedience to king and father but seeing a bigger picture and being obedient to a greater purpose. The villain created The One Ring, where he put most of his power. It's much more likely that Saruman would have used the One Ring for himself and tried to claim Middle-earth as his own. Whether he judged correctly is another matter, but I would expect it to be a contest. -----Also check out our other channels!The 6th Ranger - (For all things Power Rangers! Is Bosnia a developing or developed country? But what would have happened if things had worked out differently? Even though Frodo had a 4-5 day head-start further east and would be entering the Dead Marshes on March 1st, Saruman would also have had a head-start on everyone else in terms of knowledge and certainty. When Gandalf meets Saruman in Orthanc, he notices that Saruman is wearing a ring. But it will still never truly be his & he will have to continually fight to dominate it as the One Ring wants to return to its master, who cannot be banished until the Ring is destroyed. Since both are immortal, Saruman is going to be tortured for a long, long, long, long, LONG time. The Ring also has his - what does it say? Galadriel and Gandalf each made a conscious decision not to embark on such a course; but Saruman would not have hesitated. You have different tier options between $2 - $250, which can get you everything from exclusive access to upcoming videos, shoutouts, discounts, access to original artwork, producer credits on productions etc. If Gandalf proved the victor, the result would have been for Sauron the same as the destruction of the Ring; for him it would have been destroyed, taken from him for ever. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. What exactly happened to Sauron when the Ring was destroyed? This is the real reason the eagles question will never die: Its too appetizing for The Lord of the Rings fans. We don't know enough about the powers of the Ring, in the hands of an ambitious wizard how it might have worked as a "devastating weapon" (Letter 246), how, as a symbol, it might in Saruman's hands have affected Sauron's servants and vassals. Not true. Gandalf feared the power the ring would give him. For example, Beregond is reprimanded for leaving his post but is assigned to a position of honor by Aragorn in recognition of why he disobeyed. [ST:TNG] The First Duty what if there had been no accident? There's the slight possibility that Saruman would have given the One Ring to Sauron and served as lieutenant to the most powerful being in Middle-earth. The one ring would have made him more like what he was before he left on his mission to middle-earth, only corrupted and evil. It basically lets them look unique according to their enchantment. Elemental Staffs. A normal man with a normal sword would probably have failed miserably even if he had got in the lucky hit. And in The Rings of Power, when the mystics realized their error, they said the Stranger is the Istarnot one of the Istari, the Istar, as if only one is present in Middle-earth right now. He had also extensively started studying the lore required to make his own ring of power. Some interesting conjecture, but you're forgetting that if anyone replaced Sauron as the "master" of the One Ruling Ring, they would sever Sauron's tie to the ring and essentially reduce him to an ineffectual spirit who could no longer interact with the physical world. My understanding of the crushingly unavoidable fate which is the history of Middle Earth says that the One Ring belongs to Sauron and no other. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Thus, while Gandalf taking the One Ring would have expediated the destruction of Sauron, it also would have hasted the subjugation of Middle-earth.