I had a list of characters, more than I needed. They captured my imagination and I loved reading about historical peoples lives such as Betsy Ross, Dolly Madison, Harriet Tubman, etc. I love that Zoe and her mom work together. My mother sacrificed a lot to raise me and my siblings and brand-new clothing was always a rarity in our family! I am an adventurer and those books carried me away. I loved all the Laura Ingalls Wilder books and Lois Lenski. My favorite was A Childs Garden of Verses by Robert Louis Stevenson. Thank you for all your good work! And dont dreamers grow the impossible, probably? I know it sounds cliche but it provided me a glimpse of another world that could be mine. I read many books as a child, but I was definitely absorbed with National Geographic Society magazines the most. Hmm, which words rhyme? Of course Little Women was a favorite, but I was very immersed in Anne Frank and Number The Stars, letting them open my very sheltered and protected mind to the reality of pain and suffering. The Jolly Postman was my favorite book as a child and I relieve the enjoyment over and over again as I see it through the eyes of my children. My Mom would read it to me over and over. What made them special was the names/ references in the stories were mine, our home address, city etc. I absolutely loved the choose your own adventure books when I was a kid. When I was a child, I hated pulling weeds, haha. My grandmother lived next door and had a wonderful library of classics. No one upstairs, downstairs or across the way could see her. I loved a good compelling story then, and I still do!! ), and Mary Higgins Clark. The Secret Garden was also a favorite of mine magical! Alexis Skyy originally appeared inLove & Hip Hop: Hollywood and is most known for her feud with Masika Kalysha over their shared baby daddy, Fetty Wap. I can not remember a time when I was not reading. Both of my parents were avid readers so of course all six of their children have followed in their example. Martha Stewarts books and Victoria magazine were favorites of mine during my early years. a book that is special to me is a book about people who make a difference in life and who i can learn from( your books included) i love books that just by holding it can make you feel the time and love that was poured into it. But connecting to the earth fills your soul! Yes, as a child I loved seek-and-find books. I have always loved and shared with my granddaughter all the books by Jill Barklem, The Brambly Hedge Series. I now have 2 Kune Kune pigs (the breed is originally from New Zealand !) I loved reading Janette Oke and Beverly Lewis Amish based fiction books that involved English people finding Amish friends and falling in love with each other as well as Janette Okes Canadian West Saga series. 2023 One-stop shop for all of the best content from food to news and everything in between! I could not wait for another chapter of Charlottes Web to be read. We wait in anticipation for spring to come soon! Any and every kind. The illustrations are completely magical, where children play in forests live in hollowed trees, discovers flowers, scavenge for berries and befriend animals. I read everything I could get my hands on, our local library just wasnt big enough:). At night, my Dad would pull out an encyclopedia and open it to a random place and I would read to him. Oh how I dreamed to live in the MET with all those amazing things and see them solo without distraction! The characters in these stories informed the kind of things I could do with my life. This book captured the magic of sewing for me. I loved those books and still remember the stories. I loved horror as a child. I am an avid reader. I loved all kinds of books but especially mysteries like Nancy Drew, the Bobbsey Twins, and the Boxcar Children. Heaven! I loved science books of every kind growing up, physics, botany, zoology, weather.. Do you have difficulty getting these unique varieties since you live in a more remote location? I built forts and dug clams and found arrowheads. My favorite Type book is anything that will pull you into its whimsical and playful world. Until this question I hadnt thought about it but its incredibly relevant in my daily life. We would pretend we lived out in the woods just like the boxcar kids did, and those are some of my favorite childhood memories. I related well to her being uprooted and trying hard to blossom in a new place. My favorite type of book as a child was one that included a surprise or a big reveal. How beautiful! I believed Winnie the Pooh and his friends were real. She chipped off a small piece and put it in a glass of water. I can visualize to this day seeing those pictures for the first time. I read the book many, many times. Plants. I guess I probably looked at magazines like Better Homes and Gardens, as thats what my mother had around the house, not so much on books. Or hope to come across a squirrel that could talk. I suppose my interest in discovering clues and figuring out who did it carried through to my life as an adult because I eventually became a medical detective, an epidemiologist! Ever since my elementary days Ive been drawn to books spinning tales of people living off the land, whether it was spotlighting the lifestyles of indigenous peoples, or the rugged hardships of early pioneers. Cant wait to get the book. The concept of a secret garden always intrigued me. They all got a laugh out of that but I went to Purdue for Landscape Architecture and have never been the same. My favorite book as a child was The Secret Garden. Not in big ways, but I try to give back where I can, protect nature where I can, inspire growth where I can (both literally and figuratively), and take only what I need. So I try to win one. Rumpelstiltskin being one. As a city kid, I loved books about big families who lived on a farm, or in a small friendly village, with cats, dogs and big gardens that sustained their simple lifestyle, Now Im channeling that city kids desires in a big country garden of my own. Even as a little girl, I had stacks of books by my bed, waiting to be read. Most of my favorite childhood comfort books celebrated the power of female friendships: Anne of Green Gables, the Betsy Tacy series, Ginnie and Geneva series, Nancy Drew. Like growing a garden! She was always a bit anxious, very curious and getting herself into trouble at times attributes that I definitely possess. My mom and I still talk about flowers almost every daythey have always been apart of our lives. My grandfather grew many beautiful roses on a tiny suburban lot in NJ, and decades and three moves later I still have one of his roses growing in my Virginia yard. I still have many of them. I also really liked the Little House on the Prairie series, as I live in the same area Laura Ingalls did. Home at last and now it was the time she had been looking forward to all week: fire-escape-sitting time. The Secret Garden has all in all, encouraged the true inner child in me to grow and thrive most particularly when outside, around the trees and skies and flowers. We can love the earth and nature immensely while not realizing our impact until it is too late. Amazing. Et voil que ce printemps je commencerais mes premires semis de fleurs :) . Its no wonder I became a biologist and a Master Gardener in Illinois. Friendship and love are as important to me as they are in the pages of this book, and regardless of the pain that comes, I dont want to betray those values and I dont want to give up. Reminds me of the pages of colorful flowers from your books and Zoes. Im still a horse nerd and love to share the books with my kids. As a kid, I loved the book Chrysanthemum which was about a little mouse named after the flower and her struggle with learning to love her own name. One of my favorite childrens books is The Secret Garden. I found them magical! You always could find something interesting there or that you were not allowed to read. I always escaped by reading as a child. It was a little girls dream come true. I fell in love with this story about the Mary Call Luthor, an orphaned teen who is struggling to raise her two younger siblings (and avoid government services breaking up the family) in the Great Smoky Mountains of North Carolina in the early 1970s. My childhood fave was the book Gnomes by Wil Huygen. The Lord Of The Rings movies boded us and we have journeyed together through Tolkien, through Lewis, and thus through the Star Wars and Marvel universe. Thank you, for the look back and the interview. The Faraway Tree Enid Blyton. My husband bought me a lean-to greenhouse that we are currently putting up. I know its a Christmas book, but my grandpa gave it to me when I was eight and told me he still hears the bell every Christmas. I loved any type of book that required a heightened sense of imagination like The Phantom Tollbooth or The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles. I would spend hours outside on a picnic blanket enjoying the weather and reading my books! My father was a keen gardener and did his best in our urban environment but any holidays were happiest when we visited friends and family in more rural settings. I read to her before her birth, and her love of books is as deep as mine. I loved everything by Roald Dahl and read them voraciously! was called Summer at Buckhorn. Small wonder that Ive been a passionate gardener as an adult, who has to have my hands in the dirt among my plants, listening to the warnings of chipmunks and the birds call and response every afternoon, to count it a day well-spent. I would dive into them, feeling a closeness with the characters and joy when the story unfolded so beautifully. But, they also informed my tendencies of being spunky, confident, and a go getter. Yes, this season we collaborated on some workshops with Rhonda of Flora Forms, who has a farm about 20 minutes from us. I was in awe of her strawberry blonde hair and relentless confidence. The Secret Garden is incredible the way she discovers the northern gardens beauty and makes friends with unique people and animals really is inspiring. And I still love this book today! Hmm, which words rhyme? Our favorites were, The Swiss Family Robinson and The Hobbit. As an adult, I am really a people person so that fits with the interests I had growing up. She put a small rug on the fire-escape and got the pillow from her bed and propped it against the bars. I had a thirst for knowledge and my Mon wound by me encyclopedia style books to learn about garden, the weather (which has such impact on gardening) and I fell further in love. I loved the DK Eyewitness books teaching about anatomy, plants, and all things related to the natural world. So fun! Burgers or bologna, either way is fine. It had many photographs of insects, mammals and birds that used mimicry as a defense mechanism. Je ne sais pas si jai le droit de participer au concours tant donn que je demeure au Canada, mais je tente ma chance. Growing up I enjoyed adventure/mystery books with a little sprinkle of romance. Books that encouraged dreaming in one way or another. Would love to add Zos beautiful book to my collection. I stood there and smiled. She was the older sister I never had. My favorite books seem to have been those with strong female characters doing things outside! So why not combine the two and have some fun? Botanical gardens, floral prints, & paintings or being in woodlands, streams, or ocean, as being outside in nature is what makes me feel at my best. My favorite book as a child (and still now in my 88th year) was (and is) The Secret Garden. It combined a bit of mystery with a bit of horticulture which I have always loved. Thank you for the opportunity to win such a lovely book! That curiosity has stayed with me and is what has driven me to explore and pursue many different things in my adulthood. My favorite childhood stories always had animals and nature in them. Its a whole new wonderful world in flowers and gardening. tanker boot. In life and garden, it has always been about the visual details for me. I love this format and can remember hours of joy shared with our kiddos as we searched the pages for all manor of wonders!!! I will give a big shout-out to Sarah Hawkless of, Over the winter, we pulled out lots of roses that were underperforming. and finding the objects. Now my favorite books are those about roses and flowers and gardening. I still have some of them. Oh how I dreamed about having a garden like that! I would get lost in the illustrations imagining what Eden must have been like when God created our earth. My favorite book as a child was The Giving Tree. I grew up very poor. We absolutely loved seeing the islands, trekking, fishing and exploring the people and places. This book seems to be the best of both worlds and we would love to have it!!. Still love finding new authors to read and puzzles mull over. Fast forward to adulthood. Children forming friendships, the invalid boy, the magical garden (I seem to recall it was gated?) clear. As Anne said: This Island is the bloomiest Place. 1: cathexis: k uh th e k s i s: 2006: Definition: 2 . I have enjoyed veggie gardening for 50 years. I loved the babysitters club series! The enchanting garden adventures along river banks filled with flowers along the paths everywhere. She came up with creative ways to help parents with parenting. I relish any opportunity to spend time wandering the open spaces and regional wonders of my adopted Southern California, and thank the Lupine lady for inspiring me to love nature. Now in May Im going to the UK and have several must see gardens. I dreamed to escape and journey on adventures which led me to my love of travel, I guess. I cannot wait to read Zos book. The black Stallion. I loved all of the Little House series by Laura Ingalls Wilder being a pioneer, the constant need for invention in order to survive nature, both its beauty and its battles. As a child, I really enjoyed Slavic folklore stories. Thank you for your support! I also loved to look at bird identification books because my great grandfather handed some down to me. I loved Nancy Drew and anything about horses. I learned to be brave and always imagine what could be. I always loved books about pioneers, whether biographies or fiction. I have been a backyard gardener for many years and have passed along that love to my children. As an adult I see how many of these stories glossed over or twisted the crucial fact so that theses adventures were at the expense of cultures being displaced, mostly indigenous cultures. I loved every book in the Little House on the Prairie series, Mrs Piggle Wiggle series and Pippi Longtocking and we would pretend to be the characters in those books and bring the magic of those stories into our play. I also got some of your Dahlia seeds. We pitch our second-hand Raj tent and fill it with flowers from both of our farms. Bobbsey twins, Encyclopedia Brown, The Great Brain changed to Nancy Drew and Trixie Belden then on to Sherlock Holmes, Agatha Christie (of course! I know my daughter would love it too! Theres magic in the world around us, and I see this with my children when they play. Ive been an avid reader my whole life. I didnt go on to become a super babysitter or have any run ins with monsters or ghouls, but they did instill a life long love of reading. I loved reading mysteries maybe thats why I love mystery podcasts now and why I love learning new things! I grew with lots of golden books, that I would choose instead of lollies on grocery shopping trips and my favourite one of those was where the girl found a little sick duckling without a mum and made a little nursery to help it survive until it was better and she could find its family. I think the second delight was the best! My favorite book as a child was Geraldine Belinda by Marguerite Henry. Octopus, octopus, eight arms to hold you, Ill squeeze you tight until you turn blue. Thanks for reminding me of all those magical hours and I was able to return to them while reading to my kids! The place one in particular that caught my eye was Palenque Archaeological site in Mexico. . Growing up I read anything I could get my hands on. I think it has helped shape me into a very curious, thoughtful adult. think they have taught me to be aware of all around me- really enjoy people watching and nature watching. I was obsessed with The Bunnies Ball as a little kid. I would travel the neighborhood on my bike, or walking to school and bring home my treasures of sticks, flowers, rocks and bugs. Growing up. Precious moments ! Many lessons to be learned in this wonderful series of books starting with The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis. Isnt it amazing how we carry those special memories from childhood through our whole lifetime! Wasnt much of a readern though, because I was more likely to be found outside on my many adventures! As a child I was wanted to read as much and as many books as possible. Ham/jeans? It just made reading fun while planting biggest of info with every read. Catsup, mustard, mayonnaise, and relish, My parents are so proud of me, they should just strut, 4. food that rhymes with alexis sheetz employee stock ownership June 23, 2022. social dynamic synonym I hope the sometimes 100 plus summer degrees here in CA will not negatively affect them too much. I didnt like to read as a kid. My son will only read when he is excited for a book and I search for those books because I want him to love books as well! I love love love the book What Is A Whispery Secret? I felt drawn to the characters with their secrets and troubles, the beautifully strange darkness of the rainy days up on the Moor as described in the book, and mostly the dear old secret garden itself, with its creative powers of healing and health. The books I read the books that inspired me and pulled me into my hidden reading place were books of adventure and travel. I was often found wandering in the nearby woods, building forts for my imaginative play. :). The hidden picture may have been a dolphin, a person, a landscape, or a flower. I appreciate making my land beautiful but also using it in a practical way to benefit my family. It provides us with nearly year-round produce and cut flowers spring to fall. My favorite books (and movies) were those centered around a house. Lots of pretty flowers in the artwork of a funny little story. Nowadays I prefer reading historical fiction and gardening books, especially those by Floret! Zoes book looks to be a similar experience and has heightened my desire to visit her country. Rank 1 rhymes. But I do love to share my love with my friends by posting them on my Instagram page. I have searched high and low and was able to round up a few copies for my great nieces and nephews. Its my favourite hobby to read books about flowers, gardening, painted arts with flowers, photography and landscape Art with flowers and gardening. Full of kindness and life lifting lessons. I was that kid that stayed up way too late on a school night to read my latest volume. I loved the book Roots, Shoots, Buckets, and Boots by Sharon Lovejoy all about gardening ideas for kids. The books I read to my children are the titles I currently resonate with and to choose one is a challenge. Such a sweet book and now considered a rare, collectible golden book. Thank you so much for being so generous with your knowledge, seeds, resources and beautiful flower world. Thank you floret for finding me on the internet all those years ago. I loved books that were clever. We reached out to Zo to see how we could help and here is her response. I have been creating landscape gardening for many years and I can always find an new inspiration to my designs. To this day I can lose entire days to amazing books by brilliant authors and creators, and I have realized that while I cant do everything, I can experience a lot through other peoples fascinating lives and pursuits. touching tribute. As far as reading, I loved The Boxcar Children series. Pets need plenty of protein and nutrients, 1. With absolute certainty I can say my favourite book of all time as a child and as an adult is Frances Hodgson Burnetts The Secret Garden. i will buy this book at the wairoa shop,definitely I felt like a kindred spirit. Its been quite a while since we last interviewed youcan you give an update on how things have changed since we last spoke on the blog? As an adult, I still like solving puzzles, and at my accounting job, I feel like the numbers present me with puzzles I get to solve all the time. They taught be to become like Alice fearless, curious, and open to all kinds of possibilities that life might offer. The Princess Bride, Hobbit, King Arthur, Robin Hood. As a child I loved the magic of National Geographic magazine and spent hours looking at the pictures and exploring the world in ways that I couldnt do in real life. Whenever I see rows of Cherry trees with their fluttering petals Im reminded of her White Way of Delight and my imagination is off and running, I loved choose your own adventure books growing up!! Its so hard to choose, but I think The Beekeeper flat-lay is my favorite. Such a lovely conversation! Or youll be sorry you missed out on all the fun! Tender books about children living in difficult situations who taught others to love more easily taught me to have more compassionate eyes for others. I am forever grateful that I had access to all of these beautiful stories, and cant wait to introduce my new baby to them. hola ,soy de chile el pais mas austral del planeta y tambien el mas alejado de todo por ende cuando nia no tenia muchas obciones de libros y menos de informacion ya que las bibliotecas eran escasas y casi nulas en las escuelitas de campo y el unico libro que tenia era alicia en el pais de las maravillas y estaba en aleman pues era de mi abuela emigrante que me lo regalo ,entonces yo al ver las ilustraciones cree mi propio cuento y recien cuando grande pude comprar el libro en castellano y leer lo que realmente decia ,bueno mi realidad de vida es de una nia austral al fin del mundo que constaba con una gran imaguinacion para darle vida alo que no entendia ,saludos cordiales desde mi ciudad de naciemiento frutillar region de los lagos chile. We had a time periods seek and find book that absolutely loved. It will be a book I read to my kids. lexis . I especially loved the Little House on the Prairie series, The Borrowers, and my favourite, The Secret Garden. I loved picture books as a young child, but didnt fall in love with reading until I read fantasy novels as a teenager. I used to check out garden design books from the library and spend my time pouring over them and imagining my dream garden. If it was printed words, I read it. Happy to hear Zoe and her farm are safe. Your email address will not be published. As a child I read repeatedly through the Black Stallion series of books, by Walter Farley, imagining myself galloping on the back of a powerful and beautiful racehorse. Growing up I read many books, mostly novels. We would escape to imagine something only to find it in our neighborhood and celebrate that find. It was my first introduction to poetry, the perfect introduction for a child:). I realized this a big world! More power to both of you! I loved Nancy Drew books as a child! I loved, loved, loved The Little Red Heneven as a little person I wanted to do my part. Thank you for sharing. I love the Nancy Drew series. When you want to fill up on nutrients fast, cancer survivor Leslie Needleman Paddington Bear, mostly because my dad read it to me. I loved reading rhyming books with my kids, and we loved the I Spy series for sure and Eric Carles colorful picture books! Black Beauty, Grimms Fairy Tales, Secret Garden, The Bobbsey Twins, Charlottes Web, and Nancy Drew Mysteries, are a few. Will it be an abundant blossom year? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The Roly Poly Puppy was a favorite. Appreciating the sacrifices I guess being a grown up is one big choose your own adventure (except that you cant go back to the last chapter and choose a different route like I used to with the books!). And the photos are lovely :) the book that most interested me as a child was Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak Its good to be wild and and let loose! I loved Thunder Cake as a child. Wheres Waldo? One of my favorite books growing up was Dr Seuss ..Are you my mother? But the Lost and Found books also remind me of Richard Scarys books, where I loved all the little illustrations of everyday things. The little house on the prairie books and Beatrix potter were definite favorites but its hard to choose (epically when your a book worm!) I cant walk away from a new book. Any story that could spark wonder about worlds just beyond our reach or perhaps not, with some imagination. How fun. This past fall (spring in the Southern Hemisphere) Zo released her first . As a child, I was introduced to the Bible story books by Arthur Maxwell. I red Anne of Green Gables a lot of times! Lost and Found is beyond beautiful!! And after purchasing my first home with my fiance this past December, now mapping out or vegetable and flower gardens, what better book to add to our collection than an I Spy-esque book about flowers! With the very limited library that we have in school, I would always skim through books and look at pictures which later developed my interest with graphic novels/comic books. That was a revelation. Amazingly, my daughter (4) discovered them as well and theyre now some of her favorite books. I cannot think of a better gift of knowledge and joy to pass down through generations. I can be a successful flower farmer season 2, here I come trying again! The clever rhyming cadence combined with the main character being a postman visiting familiar fairytale characters makes for an entertaining read.
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